Monday, September 30, 2013

Action Research Update

My initial project was to improve the after school STAAR math tutorial that we called The Commended Club.  I had conducted interviews with the students that attended the tutorials, the math teachers and had pulled the math STAAR score of the students that failed.  Over the summer, the administration decided to dissolve that after school program and instead give the targeted students an extra period of math.  For my new action research project, my Campus Improvement Specialist and I came up with a teacher mentor program.  The program is designed for students that are repeating a grade, failed any of the STAAR tests, and/or failed the first nine week grading period.  The first grading period will end in three weeks, and at that time, we will assign every teacher on campus at least one student.  The teacher will set up meeting times that are convenient to their schedules and work with that student on an individual basis to help set them up for success.  Academically, these students have many programs in place to help them succeed.  Our thoughts are now focusing on what we can do to build better relationships with our struggling students.  We want to show them we care about them as a person as well as being successful as a student.  Before pairing teachers and students, we will conduct surveys of both to see who will be the best fits.  We don’t want this to feel, for the students or the teachers, like this one more thing they have to do.  We want it to be an encouraging and productive use of time to help build the relationships amongst our students and teachers.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Based on comments and suggestions this week, I added one step to my action research plan.  Over the summer I will research effective after school tutorial programs to find suggestions that we have not yet tried.  This way I can come to the math teachers prepared with suggestions for change.

Action Planning Template
Goal: How effective is our after school program, The Commended Club, in helping to raise the Math STAAR scores of targeted students?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Analyze commended club students' Math STAAR scores from 7th grade and 8th grade

Sarah Morvant and Campus Improvement Specialist
May 2013
2012 & 2013 STAAR scores
Analyzing the STAAR scores for the students that attended the commended club tutorials will allow me to see the improvements made from the 7th grade to the 8th grade.
Analyze the attendance rates of the students attending the after school commended club tutorials

Sarah Morvant and Campus Improvement Specialist
May 2013
Student sign-in sheets
After examining the attendance rates, I will be able to see if the students who consistently attended showed improved scores.
Conduct student interviews

Sarah Morvant
May 2013
Interview questions
Interviewing the students that attended the tutorials will allow me to understand from a student's perspective what helped on the STAAR test and what didn't.  I can then compare the answers between the students that showed improvement and those that did not.
Conduct teacher interviews with math teachers that taught the tutorial classes.

Sarah Morvant
May 2013
Interview questions
Interviewing the teachers will enable me to understand the planning and implementation of the chosen tutorial curriculum.
Research after school math tutorial programs that have shown success in other middle schools
Sarah Morvant
June-August 2013
Various published articles, interviews
Make a list of ideas from other programs that have proven to be successful in order to make suggestions at meeting with math tutorial teachers.
Meet with tutorial teachers and administration to discuss finding of data analysis & to discuss ways to improve the tutorial program for the 2013-2014 school year

Sarah Morvant, Administration
September 2013
Data analysis

Curriculum options
This will allow for an open discussion of the data and what it reflects about the effectiveness of the tutorial program.  The committee can then determine what needs to change and what needs to continue.
Implement changes to the tutorial program in the 2013-2014 school year

Tutorial teachers
November 2013-March 2014
Varied according to agreed upon changes
Formative assessments can be utilized throughout the tutorial program.
Analyze 2014 Math STAAR scores

Sarah Morvant and campus improvement specialist
April 2014
2014 Math STAAR scores
Compare the STAAR scores of the students currently attending the tutorial program to see if gains were made.

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template
Goal: How effective is our after school program, The Commended Club, in helping to raise the Math STAAR scores of targeted students?
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Analyze commended club students' Math STAAR scores from 7th grade and 8th grade

Sarah Morvant and Campus Improvement Specialist
May 2013
2012 & 2013 STAAR scores
Analyzing the STAAR scores for the students that attended the commended club tutorials will allow me to see the improvements made from the 7th grade to the 8th grade.
Analyze the attendance rates of the students attending the after school commended club tutorials

Sarah Morvant and Campus Improvement Specialist
May 2013
Student sign-in sheets
After examining the attendance rates, I will be able to see if the students who consistently attended showed improved scores.
Conduct student interviews

Sarah Morvant
May 2013
Interview questions
Interviewing the students that attended the tutorials will allow me to understand from a student's perspective what helped on the STAAR test and what didn't.  I can then compare the answers between the students that showed improvement and those that did not.
Conduct teacher interviews with math teachers that taught the tutorial classes.

Sarah Morvant
May 2013
Interview questions
Interviewing the teachers will enable me to understand the planning and implementation of the chosen tutorial curriculum.
Meet with tutorial teachers and administration to discuss finding of data analysis & to discuss ways to improve the tutorial program for the 2013-2014 school year

Sarah Morvant, Administration
September 2013
Data analysis

Curriculum options
This will allow for an open discussion of the data and what it reflects about the effectiveness of the tutorial program.  The committee can then determine what needs to change and what needs to continue.
Implement changes to the tutorial program in the 2013-2014 school year

Tutorial teachers
November 2013-March 2014
Varied according to agreed upon changes
Formative assessments can be utilized throughout the tutorial program.
Analyze 2014 Math STAAR scores

Sarah Morvant and campus improvement specialist
April 2014
2014 Math STAAR scores
Compare the STAAR scores of the students currently attending the tutorial program to see if gains were made.

1.  Setting the Foundation - After meeting with my site supervisor and examining the campus improvement plan, math STAAR scores were identified as a target area.  There is currently an after school tutorial program that has been in place for two years, and it's effectiveness has been questioned by parents.
2.  Analyzing Data - I will use STAAR scores from 2012 & 2013, tutorial attendance rates, and student and teacher interviews and/or surveys.
3.  Developing Deeper Understanding - Upon completion of my initial data analysis, additional questions about instructional and student behavior may arise.  Curriculum and teacher planning may also be further questioned.
4.  Engaging in Self-Reflection - I will ask myself reflective questions such as:
            - What outside factors may have also affected student STAAR scores?
            - Is the changing of teachers teaching the tutorials affecting learning?
            - How can we support these students during the school day?
5.  Exploring Programmatic Patterns - Meetings with my site supervisor and campus improvement specialist will lead to a more definite plan about what to keep and change about the after school tutorial program.
6.  Determining Direction - I am clear about the parameters of the program that I am analyzing.  My timeline for analyzing the data is one month which I feel is reasonable.  The timeline for planning the changes to the program is two to three months which I also feel is reasonable.  As the project gets underway, improvements and revisions will be made as needed.
7.  Taking Action for School Improvement - I will develop a written plan of my project and will use Tool 7.1 to guide me.
8.  Sustaining Improvement - If the results of my project show positive changes, then I will share my results with other teachers/campuses that could benefit.  I will also apply this process to other aspects of my personal and professional development.